Yup! Feels pretty good doesn’t it? There’s nothing like the fresh smell in the air after a spring rain shower. Everything even looks cleaner and brighter. Things are starting to green up a bit, a few bulbs poking their bright flowers out of the ground. Birds nesting here and there, new calves and lambs on the ground. Time to climb out of winter and stretch in the sunshine. Yah! Feels good.
I mentioned last week that we are planning a ride out to Charlotte, North Carolina on our Harley in a couple of weeks. Several of you good folks came by and commented on that. This Sunday we oiled up our leathers and I changed the oil on the bike and washed it. Enjoyed a brewski on the deck afterwards while leafing through the worn pages of Rand McNally, plotting our route. We spent a little time planning the summer as well. A few short overnight camping rides here and there. Some trailer camping squeezed in and an art show to boot. After spending the winter holed up in the shop/studio, it’ll be good to get out and about again gathering material to paint and write about, although it’ll be closer to home this year.
In years past I used to do more summer art shows than now. The cut back is strictly an economic one. I’ve been invited to a paint out and show in Crested Butte this summer in July and I will plan on it, however. Getting out and painting on location is absolutely one of the best activities I can think of. I really enjoy it. There is a wealth of material right here in my back yard and I think this spring and summer I will take advantage of it.
I’ve been getting a few touristas in the gallery lately and that’s a good sign. People are starting to get out. Had a nice lady in the other day, coincidentally from Charlotte, NC. I have a blog that I write and she had found me on the internet, subscribed to the blog and wanted to stop in and meet me. That was nice. It’s interesting what exposure on the internet will do. Unfortunately I had another customer in the gallery at the time and didn’t get to chat it up as much as I would have liked. I hope she stops in again sometime if she is in the area.
Spring is like a time of renewal isn’t it? Of course it is. Time to stand in the fresh morning air, breathe deep and let the warmth of the sun shine on your smiling face. Life is good.
6 days ago
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