Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is in the Air!!

Yup! Feels pretty good doesn’t it? There’s nothing like the fresh smell in the air after a spring rain shower. Everything even looks cleaner and brighter. Things are starting to green up a bit, a few bulbs poking their bright flowers out of the ground. Birds nesting here and there, new calves and lambs on the ground. Time to climb out of winter and stretch in the sunshine. Yah! Feels good.

I mentioned last week that we are planning a ride out to Charlotte, North Carolina on our Harley in a couple of weeks. Several of you good folks came by and commented on that. This Sunday we oiled up our leathers and I changed the oil on the bike and washed it. Enjoyed a brewski on the deck afterwards while leafing through the worn pages of Rand McNally, plotting our route. We spent a little time planning the summer as well. A few short overnight camping rides here and there. Some trailer camping squeezed in and an art show to boot. After spending the winter holed up in the shop/studio, it’ll be good to get out and about again gathering material to paint and write about, although it’ll be closer to home this year.

In years past I used to do more summer art shows than now. The cut back is strictly an economic one. I’ve been invited to a paint out and show in Crested Butte this summer in July and I will plan on it, however. Getting out and painting on location is absolutely one of the best activities I can think of. I really enjoy it. There is a wealth of material right here in my back yard and I think this spring and summer I will take advantage of it.

I’ve been getting a few touristas in the gallery lately and that’s a good sign. People are starting to get out. Had a nice lady in the other day, coincidentally from Charlotte, NC. I have a blog that I write and she had found me on the internet, subscribed to the blog and wanted to stop in and meet me. That was nice. It’s interesting what exposure on the internet will do. Unfortunately I had another customer in the gallery at the time and didn’t get to chat it up as much as I would have liked. I hope she stops in again sometime if she is in the area.

Spring is like a time of renewal isn’t it? Of course it is. Time to stand in the fresh morning air, breathe deep and let the warmth of the sun shine on your smiling face. Life is good.

Cabin Fever

I don’t know about you folks but I’ve been getting a little itchy to get out and go somewhere. While it’s nice to have the days getting a little longer and we have been teased with some nice warm weather off and on it has only served to make me a little edgy.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten out and done any painting for some time. Hanging out in the studio all winter has given me the opportunity to get a lot done at the easel but I think it is time to venture out. Explore new territory or at least revisit familiar haunts of past. Do something.

With that in mind, I’ve decided that a road trip is in order. My kind of vacation. The last one I took was back to North Carolina to visit my sister and our mother in October. It was great. I’ve driven the route in the car or our pickup several times but this time we are going to take the Harley. While this isn’t the farthest we’ve ridden the bike, it’ll be the first time in that direction.

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a couple of years now but for one reason or another I just haven’t been able to make it happen. The truth, I suppose, is that I’m a procrastinator. Too many excuses not to do some of these things. I finally decided if not now…when? There has always been a list of reasons why “not” do it but let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger and for the most part, there is never a perfect time to do anything. Besides, the end result is worth it. So, we will wait a couple of weeks for the snow to get off of the passes and then we go.

We’re going to take 3 or 4 days to go out there which won’t leave a whole lot of time to dally along the way but we will take the scenic route as much as we can. If I take my watercolor kit along I might even find something to paint during a break at a roadside turn out. In fact I’m pretty sure of it. I just have to do it.

The weather between here and there can be a little dicey this time of year but that’ll just add some “adventure” to the trip. If we have to hole up in a mom and pop motel along the way to let a storm pass that’s what we’ll do. Besides, it’ll make for a good tale to tell. I’m already feeling better and looking forward to seeing family. Good times are just down the road.

Eskimo Masks and Yo-yos

Here was a fun project I finished up last week. These are some genuine eskimo masks and yo-yos a customer bought at the native co-op in Fairbanks while touring Alaska. I mounted them on a suede backing and set the museum glass off of the masks with a suede mat and gold fillet. I had to customize a shadowbox frame that was deep enough to accommodate the depth of the masks.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Two Suns

Here are a couple of photos of another of the Abstract Impressionist paintings. This one is also a 12x12 oil on a gallery wrapped canvas with the addition of gold metal leaf. The painting is titled "Two Suns" and is for sale at my gallery for $145. The bottom photo is of the painting at an angle which better shows the reflective properties of the gold leaf. Again thanks to Don for the inspiration.

The Sound of Color

Here is another of my Abstract Impressionism series. This is a 12x12 oil on a gallery wrapped canvas with a square of gold metal leaf added for interest. It is titled "The Sound of Color" and is for sale at the gallery for $145.

I have to give credit to my cousin Don Stec for the inspiration. Previously I have mentioned that I use gold leaf, both in 23 kt and Dutch (fake) gold leaf in the making of my picture frames. Don emailed me and mentioned that he used to put gold leaf on motorcycle tanks and then spray candy colored paint over it yielding an original and unique look. With that in mind, I thought I would try it on these abstract paintings. I applied thin washes of oil color over the gold and I think the result is very interesting.