This is a 20x24 handpainted and gilded mirror I recently finished for my sister. The "frosted" areas are actually sandblasted. "Pony" is done in a 23kt gold leaf and outlined in black. The block behind "Express" and the perimiter line is airbrushed. The words Express" and "Lounge" are hand lettered with One Shot Lettering Enamel.
Although I used to do a fair amount of hand lettered signage back in the day and work on glass, this is the first mirror I've done. I really liked the way it turned out and will do more. I want to do some of those old vintage style mirrors and glass work. There are some great artists doing that today and I hope to learn more about it. Look for more.
One of these images is photographed with the reflective properties of the mirror blacked out to see the design better. The other shows the mirror as it would usually look.
6 hours ago
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